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Online AA3000: Evaluator Retraining: Student Growth - Grundy/Kendall Regional Office of Education - Online Registration System

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Online AA3000: Evaluator Retraining: Student Growth
Start Date: Thu, Jul 10, 2025 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Workshop #: 250710A-1
Presenter(s): Denise Bettenhausen

Date Summary:   1 Session on 7/10/2025.  


Teacher and Administrator Evaluator Retraining: Student Growth (Academy #3000)
This is the one required student growth retraining course for teacher and administrator evaluators who are renewing their designations required to evaluate educators.
Participants will learn how to:
1. Use assessments and measurement models identified by the joint committee in determining the student growth attributable to individual teachers/principals and understand how different types of assessments are used for measuring growth;
2. Use data from the evaluation rubric, other evidence collected, and best practices relative to evaluating student growth to link teacher/principal and school-level professional
development plans to evaluation results;
3. Create, in collaboration with teachers/principals, supportive, targeted professional development plans that consider past results, contribute to professional growth, and assist teachers/principals in aligning professional development and goal setting to school improvement goals; and
4. Communicate evaluation outcomes and findings in constructive and supportive ways that enable teachers/principals to set goals and improve practice.

NOTE: Participants will have to complete their A/D Component and send their completed E-Template, if used, to the presenter during the Academy for review and comment.

This Academy will be held online with a Zoom link sent prior to the AA.

Laptops required for all participants in order to complete your Application/Dissemination activity.

Application/Dissemination must be completed to receive full contact hours.
PD Credits only= 6.30 contact hours


  • Administrators' Academy Credit  (AA)
  • ISBE Professional Development Hours  (PD)
Date Time Location
07/10/25 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Online

Click on a target audience to view other workshops with the same audience: Administrators and Support Staff< | > Administrators' Academy< | > Leadership< | > CPDU's (ISBE Recertification)< | > Deans / Teacher Leaders< | > Online


Below are files that are publicly available for this workshop. If you have registered for or taken this workshop additional files may be available in your Workshop History.

Registration Fee Registration Deadline Registration Status
$200 07/03/25 Open
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Reg Deadline 2025-07-03
Time: 1741669200
Reg Time: 1751518800

Professional Development Alliance